Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

A Constructivism-Based Approach

Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Of Patras

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Tha Goody's Example

RPN Calculator Assignments

GUI programming in Java

Event Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Concurrent Programming


The Textbook

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Copyright 2002,2005 

Kleanthis Thramboulidis



RPN Calculator Assignments

(As modified at 20/02/03 to respond with the new updated exercises of the book)

Assignment Number Textbook's exercise No Material given Brief Description
1 Exercise 1 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) A working RPN calculator program

Title: Identify objects class diagram.

Understand the system. Identify the systems objects. Identify and specify systems use cases. Use OIDs to represent the user-system interaction. Use OIDs to represent the interaction of systems components to obtain a system service. Class diagram.

2 Exercise 2 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) Java Standard library Specification. Exercise in BlueJ

Title: Main method explained.

Utilize components of the standard library. Build your own components. Main method explained.  

3 Exercise 5 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook)  -

Title:Class responsibilities. Test the behaviour of components.

4 Exercise 6 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) (new version) CalculatorGUI class in bytecodes. version 1   version 2

Title: Using GUIs.

Using third party classes.  Using GUIs.

5 Exercise 7 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) (new version) Class Operand in source code (see textbook) Title: Examine alternative designs on structure and behaviour.
6 Exercise 8 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) (new version)  CalculatorGUI class in bytecodes. version 1   version 2

Title: Inheritance, Assessment of alternative implementations

Work with abstract classes, inheritance and polymorphism.

7 Exercise 9 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) (page 1) A limited functionality CalculatorGUI source code (see textbook)

Title: Event handling.

Awt, event handling.

8 Exercise 10 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook)  source code of the operatorButtonHandler(char ch) method (see textbook) Title: increase reusability
9 Exercise 11 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) A sample calculatorGUI source code (see textbook) Title: increase flexibility, avoid switch statement
10 Exercise 12 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook)  - 

Title: Hands on GUI development-stack status.

11 Exercise 13 and 14 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) Sample source code of a working RPN calculator Title:Finding bugs. Extending systems behaviour.
12 Exercise 17 chapter 12,  (as given in the 3rd edition of the Textbook) Sample source code of a working RPN calculator Title: Hands on exception handling on the RPN calculator.

Last Updated: 23 February 2005