Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

A Constructivism-Based Approach

Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Of Patras

Home Page

Course Outline

Tha Goody's Example

RPN Calculator Assignments

GUI programming in Java

Event Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Concurrent Programming


The Textbook

Terms of Use





Copyright 2002,2005 

Kleanthis Thramboulidis



Exception Handling

Exception Handling in Goody's

"For the presentation of the basic concepts of exception handling the following scenario from the Goodys example is considered. Helen has just accepted the message a sandwich with cheese and ham please. Helen carries out the actions required to prepare the sandwich. The response of Helen to this event is predictable since she was given instructions on how to handle it.

Students are asked to consider the case in which there is no cheese slices available. Even though this is an unusual event, i.e. an exceptional case, there is still a possibility, even small, for this to occur. The term exception is introduced to refer to the exceptional case and students are asked to describe the behavior of Helen to this exception. It is clear to all of them that if Helen was not informed on how to identify and handle this exception, the system will toggle to a state of undefined behavior. It is next assumed that Helen is informed as to how to identify this exception and the following two cases are considered:

  • Helen has the knowledge to carry out a set of actions to handle this special event, and

  •  Helen has no knowledge of the actions required to cope with this special event.

In the first case Helen identifies the exception, catches the exception, and executes the set of actions required to cope with it. There is no need to notify the client or her supervisor about the exception. In the latter case, Helen only has the knowledge required to identify this special event but since her supervisor has not informed her  how to handle it, she only has to pass the required information to another entity to cope with it. This entity should catch this information, the exception object, and execute the required actions." [1]

(for more information see related paper)

[1] K. Thramboulidis, A Constructivism-based Approach to Teach Advanced Computing Concepts in Introductory Java Courses, Journal of Informatics Education and Research (forthcoming).  Abstract

Last Updated: 23 February 2005