Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

A Constructivism-Based Approach

Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Of Patras

Home Page

Course Outline

Tha Goody's Example

RPN Calculator Assignments

GUI programming in Java

Event Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Concurrent Programming


The Textbook

Terms of Use





Copyright 2002,2005 

Kleanthis Thramboulidis



Course Outline

If you wish to use this material for other than individual purposes, please take a look at terms of use

The OO Conceptual Model

The Goodys example is used to present the basics of the OO conceptual model.

Simplified versions of use cases, class diagrams, OIDs, scenario diagrams in a very informal UML notation, are used to create draft models to highlight the structure and behaviour of the System.

Concepts are presented without any reference to any programming language. See OO Conceptual Model for a detail description.


The Lego-Construction Approach

Highlights developers expectations:

  • for integrating existing components and then

  • for building new components.

Java language constructs that are necessary to satisfy the Lego-Construction approach are presented.

Assignments: RPN Calculator assignments 1-11.

See Lego Construction approach for a detail description.


Hit them twice

Towards an in depth understanding of the basic concepts of OO paradigm.

Examples from Goodys and  RPN Calculator are used.


Exception Handling

The Goodys example is used to present the Conceptual framework.

Javas exception handling mechanism is explained and used in examples.

Assignments: RPN Calculator assignment 12.


Garbage Collection

The Goodys example is used to present the Conceptual framework.


Concurrent Programming

The Goodys example is used to present most of the basic concepts.

Javas concurrent programming mechanisms are explained and used in examples.

Last Updated: 23 February 2005