Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

A Constructivism-Based Approach

Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Of Patras

Home Page

Course Outline

Tha Goody's Example

RPN Calculator Assignments

GUI programming in Java

Event Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Concurrent Programming


The Textbook

Terms of Use





Copyright 2002,2005 

Kleanthis Thramboulidis



Terms of Use

This work is in progress. The most part of the material is still in Greek but a translation process is currently active. I would appreciate any feedback on the structure and content of it. A password is required for some pages to be accessed. You may contact me by e-mail to get the authentication.



If you are an instructor interested in using this material in your class, please contact me via email  to let me know. It is a pleasure for me to know that this material is being used, but I appreciate feedback on who is using it, in what course, etc. 


The following terms apply:


1.You may use the materials directly from the web. 
2.You may make copies of these material for educational purposes only, provided that any existing copyright notice is preserved or, if no copyright notice appears, the following credit line is included: " 2003 Kl. Thramboulidis" 
3.You must inform me of your use of the materials. 
4.You must credit all borrowed materials. 
5.If you adapt materials, you must credit their source and also send us a copy of any adapted materials. 

Last Updated: 14 June 2005