Teaching Object-Oriented Programming

A Constructivism-Based Approach

Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering, University Of Patras

Home Page

Course Outline

Tha Goody's Example

RPN Calculator Assignments

GUI programming in Java

Event Handling in Java

Exception Handling

Concurrent Programming


The Textbook

Terms of Use





Copyright 2002,2005 

Kleanthis Thramboulidis



Simple instruction for using the dentist java application

Unzip the Dentist.zip file in a directory. The current version is in Greek.However, you can use the application if you follow the instructions below.

Execute the Odontiatros.class application by calling the Java interpreter as follows

>java Odontiatros

The following window will be displayed

1) define the number of dentists

2) define the number of weaklings

3) select between Priority based policy or FIFO policy for the waiting patients

4) Define in sec the maximum duration for serving a patient

5) define the maximum number of up and down movements for the weaklings

You have to select "Ready". Of course you can accept the default values

The following window will appear

You have to define the priority of each one of the five weaklings.

You have to select "Ready". Of course you can accept the default values.

A window like the one that follows appears on screen. The application is running.

This implementation of the dentist example was given by Tsiggogianis Hlias student of the Electrical & Computer Eng. dept.

in the context of a project in the course "Advanced Programming Techniques"

Last Updated: 23 February 2005