How to Install RTLinux 3.1 with RedHat 7.1 & 7.2


Note: Most of this was taken from the Installation.txt that comes with RTLinux 3.1.


1. Make sure you have RedHat set up appropriately.

When installing RedHat you need to perform a Custom install and select Development, Kernel Development, Utilities, and Select Individual Packages.

At the Individual Package Selection screen, go to Development --> Languages and select compat-egcs. Next go to Development --> Libraries and select compat-glibc. Select any other packages you wish to install and continue the installation.


2. Download appropriate files.
Download  RTLinux 3.1:


            Download the Linux 2.4.4 kernel:



            Place the files



            into /var/tmp


3. Unpack the files

     rm –rf /usr/src/rtlinux

     mkdir /usr/src/rtlinux

     cd /usr/src/rtlinux

     tar –xzf /var/tmp/linux-2.4.4.tar.gz

     tar –xzf /var/tmp/rtlinux-3.1.tar.gz


4. Patch the kernel

     cd linux

     patch –p1 < /usr/src/rtlinux/rtlinux-3.1/kernel_patch-2.4.4


5. Configure the kernel

Before configuring the kernel, a line in the Makefile needs to be edited. Open /usr/src/rtlinux/linux/Makefile with your favorite editor. Change the line

           CC         = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc


           CC         = kgcc


            Now run (run any one of these)

                        make config OR make menuconfig OR make xconfig


     Be sure to disable APM support and select the correct type of CPU.


6. Compile and install the kernel and modules

     make dep

     make bzImage

     make modules

     make modules_install

     cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/rtzImage


7. Configure LILO

            Edit /etc/lilo.conf and add the following lines:







Note: replace root=/dev/hda1 with your root filesystem. Look at the other root= entries in lilo.conf to find out what this should be.


8. Install LILO and reboot


     /sbin/shutdown –r now


            Select rtlinux from the RedHat kernel selection screen.


9. Configure and Compile RTLinux

     cd /usr/src/rtlinux/rtlinux-3.1

     ln –sf /usr/src/rtlinux/linux linux

     make config OR make menuconfig OR make xconfig

     make dep


     make devices

     make install


10. Post Installation

            To be able to run any real time programs, you need to load the RTLinux modules:

           rtlinux start


            To start RTLinux automatically upon boot (if you select the rtlinux kernel), edit

            /etc/rc.d/rc.local and put the following at the end of the file:


     if [ `cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease` = “2.4.4-rtl” ]; then

           /usr/bin/rtlinux start



Note: In the above code, a single quote ( ‘ ) is NOT used. The character used is a grave accent ( ` ), which is above the TAB key on the keyboard.


11. Additional information

            Additional information can be found in
